In 2020/21, we invested over $6.2 million dollars in alcohol and other drug treatment services across the Adelaide region. Collectively, our AOD commissioned services provided 2,257 episodes of treatment.

Redesigning the AOD Treatment Services Program within our region
In late 2019, Adelaide PHN commenced a review and redesign of the Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) Treatment Services Program within the region. Underpinned by the Needs Assessment, this process was focused on understanding new and emerging substances of concern and enabling priority populations access to high quality AOD treatment services. The design centred around supporting consistent, high quality service delivery and resulted in the creation of the new Adelaide PHN Treatment and Quality Framework.
Adelaide PHN developed the Framework for our funded services to provide them with information and guidance on the delivery of quality AOD services. Drawing on the expertise, experience, capabilities, knowledge and data of key stakeholders, the Framework translates our Needs Assessment into an outcomes based service model.
The Framework enables PHNs to avoid duplication with other commissioning bodies and aims to provide a complementary mix of services. It identifies the following priority population groups who are at greater disadvantage when seeking access to support for AOD issues:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Children and young people
Culturally and linguistically diverse communities
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer/questioning (LGBTIQ) communities
Older people
People in contact with the criminal justice system
The Framework describes a range of effective, appropriate and evidence based AOD treatment interventions including screening, assessment, coordination, harm reduction and intensive (e.g., counselling, withdrawal management and non-residential rehabilitation) interventions.
The Framework aligns with Adelaide PHN and Commonwealth strategic and performance frameworks including our Service and Clinical Governance Framework, the National Framework for Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drug Treatment 2019-2029 and the National Quality Framework for Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services.
In November 2020, Adelaide PHN approached the market and invited applications from suitably qualified and experienced organisations for the AOD Treatment Services Program 2021-23.
As a result of this process, Adelaide PHN is pleased to confirm the following providers have been commissioned from 1 July 2021:
Mission Australia - Drug and Alcohol Youth Outreach Service - young people aged 10 – 25
Uniting Communities - Streetlink - young people aged 10-25 with complex needs
Mission Australia - Partners Towards Wellbeing - other population-based priority groups
Thorne Harbour Health - Alcohol and Other Drug Service - LGBTIQ people
Nunkuwarrin Yunti - Harm Minimisation Team - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
PsychMed - The Matrix Program - methamphetamine
Offenders Aid and Rehabilitation Services of South Australia (OARS) - Rehabilitation Treatment Services - people in contact with the criminal justice system
Information on the specific AOD treatment services available within this program and how to refer to the services can be found via our website's directory listing.
We look forward to working with service providers and other key stakeholders over the next 2 years to ensure that appropriate and quality AOD treatment services continue to be provided to people within the Adelaide PHN region.

Good news stories from our commissioned services
Nunkuwarrin Yunti “Live Long Stay Strong” Relapse Prevention resource
In the past year, our commissioned Walking Together Wellbeing program provided by Nunkuwarrin Yunti responded to the challenges of running relapse prevention groups during COVID-19 imposed restrictions by developing the “Live Long Stay Strong” Relapse Prevention resource.
“Live Long Stay Strong” is a user-friendly and culturally appropriate resource developed by, and for, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as a guide to help AOD workers and clients develop relapse prevention plans. It highlights the 3 stages of relapse:
1. Emotional Relapse – including:
Tree of Life which uses the picture of a tree to tell a person’s story
Early identification of the signs impacting a person's emotional wellbeing
How to develop and populate a risky business scale, i.e., conducting a risk assessment
2. Mental Relapse – including:
Strategies to help clients look after themselves
Developing a relapse prevention plan
The importance of mindfulness and how to practice it
3. Physical Relapse – including:
Symptoms of and strategies for preventing overdose
Information about accessing and using Naloxone to counteract the effects of Opioids
Indigenous Stages of Change Story
The resource also includes advice about where to get further help and support.
The Harm Minimisation Team at Nunkuwarrin Yunti have disseminated “Live Long Stay Strong” extensively to clients and other service providers responding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experiencing AOD-related issues. Hard copies of the resource are available from Nunkuwarrin Yunti.

Good news stories from our commissioned services
Improving outcomes for young people experiencing alcohol and other drug-related issues
One of our largest youth treatment providers has implemented the digital monitoring of substance use and mental health outcomes for young people. The Australian Treatment Outcome Profile (ATOP) and K10 are completed with every client, every 4 sessions to monitor outcomes, review and inform treatment goals and celebrate successes. In the last 12 months, 76.5% of young people in the service who had completed the ATOP had reduced their AOD use. 83% of clients who completed the K10 showed an overall improvement in their wellbeing and mental health.
The provider also administers an Impact Measurement survey which showed improvements in all their clients’ overall health and wellbeing. The only exceptions to these improvements were in the domains of personal safety and standards of living. This was due in part to COVID-19 restrictions and the anxiety this caused not only for our clients but the rest of the population. We are pleased to have observed a significant reduction in AOD use and improved wellbeing during such a difficult time for young people and when client engagement across the Adelaide region was really challenging.